Uncovering Crucial Insights through Trace Clues
Single-molecule techniques open a new door to delineate the behavior of individual molecules to decode the mystery of biological processes with tremendous details. In particular, optical tweezers enable the precise manipulations on a single molecule to measure its real-time force responses and molecular extensions associated with conformational changes. Raman spectroscopy utilizes light to interact with the chemical bonds inside molecules to generate the vibrational spectra that are reflecting the molecular structures. Leveraging both tools, we are developing new single-molecule characterization methods to study the heterogenous molecular systems in biology and chemistry.
Our group endeavours to tackle critical challenges and drive new discoveries at the intersection of spectroscopy and biophysical research through four interconnected domains:
1. Method development on optical tweezers-coupled Raman/SERS spectroscopy;
2. Biophysical investigation on proteins, nucleic acids, and their interactions;
3. Active construction, manipulation, and characterization of new biomaterial;
4. Applied spectroscopy for analytical application and technology transfer.
Several graduate student positions and postdoctoral fellow positions are available!